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When our heart is broken, is it going to be broken forever?



The OBIE Directory is the core infrastructure of our ecosystem.

Crown Dependencies Directory

Crown dependency banks and financial institutions in the can offer open banking services.

Confirmation of Payee

Protect your business and your customers against Authorised Push Payment fraud

Conformance Suite

Tools to help Implementers test their implementation of the OBIE Standard.

Open Data API Dashboard

Conformance Service


API Specification

Technical documentation, swagger files and usage for:

  • Read/write API
  • Open Data API
  • Directory
  • Dynamic Client Registration
  • MI Reporting

Security Profiles

Customer Experience

Operational Guidelines

Reference Library

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The certification service can be used by account providers as evidence of conformance to the Standard when they request an exemption from the contingency mechanism with theirrncompetent authority.rn

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Get started with the open banking standards

This guidance explains the categorisation of requirements for account providers and third party providers implementing any part of the Standard. This guidance should be read before referencing the Standards documents.

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Open Banking Guidelines

Join the community

Bringing together regulatory requirements and extensive customer research to help third party providers

Knowledge base

Supporting account providers to implement high-performance interfaces and assist them