Other Payment Types

Confirmation of Funds for PISPs

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This is the latest version Published 8 months ago 28 Jun 2024

PISPs can request confirmation of funds on a PSU’s payment account for the amount necessary for the execution of the payment transaction initiated through the PISP.

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CEG Checklist Requirements 1
Minimum Set of Parameters: As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item #1. PSU Consent to PISP : As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item #3. PISP connects to ASPSP and stages payment.


CEG Checklist Requirements 3
The ASPSP must apply SCA (including dynamic linking) unless an exemption applies as per section Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP (unless supplementary information is required, as per section Single Domestic Payments – Supplementary info).


CEG Checklist Requirements 6
If the ASPSP has built a system enabling it to respond to the CoF request, it must provide the Y/N response at this time. Note: The ASPSP could allow a PISP to initiate a payment even if the PSU does not have sufficient funds. In that case, the ASPSP must reply with a ‘N’ when the PISP makes a CoF request.


CEG Checklist Requirements 7
If the ASPSP does not have a system in place that enables it to adequately respond to a confirmation request, it must provide the PISP with the necessary data to determine availability of funds.

PISPs can request confirmation of funds on a PSU’s payment account for the amount necessary for the execution of the payment transaction initiated through the PISP. ASPSPs must respond to such request from a PISP with an immediate ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ confirmation and should take into account the same information (e.g. balance, agreed overdraft, incoming and outgoing funds, any fees and charges) it would consider if the customer was executing a payment transaction directly with the ASPSP. The ‘Yes/No’ response is limited up to the point of initiation of the payment order and not up to the point of execution. The CoF check is available for the following payment order types:

Requirements and Considerations

CEG Checklist Requirements & CX Considerations
CEG Checklist Reference


Minimum Set of Parameters: As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 1. PSU Consent to PISP : As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 3. PISP connects to ASPSP and stages payment.



The ASPSP must apply SCA (including dynamic linking) unless an exemption applies as  per section Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP (unless supplementary information is required, as per section Single Domestic Payments – Supplementary info).

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The PISP must be able to submit a CoF request after the ASPSP has authenticated the PSU. 


If the ASPSP has built a system enabling it to respond to the CoF request, it must provide the Y/N response at this time. Note: The ASPSP could allow a PISP to initiate a payment even if the PSU does not have sufficient funds. In that case, the ASPSP must reply with a ‘N’ when the PISP makes a CoF request.

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If the ASPSP does not have a system in place that enables it to adequately respond to a confirmation request, it must provide the PISP with the necessary data to determine availability of funds.

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The PISP can submit the payment for execution on receiving a ‘Y’.

If the PISP receives a ‘N’ response, the PISP should provide an appropriate message to the PSU to inform them of the unavailability of sufficient funds. For example, the PISP could request the PSU to add funds to their account within a certain period. The PISP could either submit the payment  to the  ASPSP for execution or  decide not submit the payment for execution. In both instances, the PISP must inform the PSU whether the payment has been successfully initiated or not. The PISP could also potentially make further requests on receiving a ‘N’ response provided this is allowed by the ASPSP and the authorisation has not expired.


Bulk/batch payments have been deemed out of scope because they can involve multiple debtor accounts. Art. 36(1)(c) RTS appears to contemplate a single payment transaction from a single payment account. With respect to future dated payments and standing orders, a yes/no response at the point of initiation of these payment orders is of little or no utility to a PISP as it not contemporaneous with execution.

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