Through a PISP, PSUs can setup an instruction to their ASPSPs to make a series of payments of a specified amount to a specified payee on a number of specified future dates or on a regular basis.
Other pages in this section Account Selection at PISP Account Selection at PISP – Supplementary Info Account Selection at ASPSP Scheduled Payments – Future Dated Standing Orders International Payments Bulk / Batch Payments Multi-authorisation Payments Confirmation of Funds for PISPs Payment Refunds VRP Payments with SCA exemption VRP Payments under Sweeping Access VRP Payments with delegated SCA
This content is best viewed on a desktop browser. 1 CEG Checklist Requirements 1Minimum Set of Parameters PISPs must either allow PSUs to specify the below minimum set of parameters or pre-populate them for the PSUs: Creditor Account Name. Creditor Account Identification (e.g. account number and sort code or roll number for UK implementations). Reference of the payment (as per best practice). Any supplementary information required which the ASPSP has published as required and is specific to that ASPSP. 2 CEG Checklist Requirements 2Standing Order Schedule(s) PISPs must either allow PSUs to select at least one of following options or pre-populate them for the PSUs: The First payment date, payment Amount and Currency (GBP for UK implementations). The Recurring payment date, payment Amount and Currency (only if different from the first payment amount and date). If standing order is not open ended: Either the Final payment Date (only if different from the Recurring payment date), payment Amount and Currency (GBP for UK implementations). Or the Number of payments to be made by the standing order. The Frequency of the payments (for available options on standing order frequency, please refer to Appendix section 7.4.1). 3 CEG Checklist Requirements 3PSU payment Account Selection: As perSingle Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 2. 4 CEG Checklist Requirements 4PSU Consent to PISP PISPs must request for the PSUs’ consent to the payment in a clear and specific manner. PISPs must display the following information in the consent screen: The Standing Order Schedule parameters including first payment, recurring payment, final payment and frequency as selected in item #3. Payee Account Name. Payment Reference and any supplementary info, if it has been entered by PSUs or prepopulated by PISPs in item #1. PSU payment Account Identification and/or the selected ASPSP (based on item 2 options). Note 1: If PSU payment Account identification is selected in item #2, PISPs should mask the PSU payment Account details on the consent screen. Otherwise, if the PSU payment Account identification has been input by PSUs in item #2, PISPs should not mask these details to allow PSUs to check and verify correctness. Note 2: If PSU payment Account identification is provided by PSUs in item #2, PISPs could use this to identify and display the ASPSP without having to ask PSUs. For Payee Account Identification details (e.g. account number and sort code or additionally roll number or full IBAN): If this has been provided by PSUs in item #1, then PISPs must also display this in the consent screen to allow PSUs to check and verify correctness. If this has been pre-populated by PISPs (e.g. in a eCommerce payment scenario) PISPs could choose whether to display this information or not. 5 CX Considerations 5As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 4. 6 CX Considerations 6As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 5. 7 CEG Checklist Requirements 7As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 8. 8 CEG Checklist Requirements 8ASPSPs must display the payment details, schedule and any supplementary information about difference in actual execution day for each transaction. 9 CX Considerations 9 ASPSPs should inform PSUs about their “point of no return” for making the payment and that their payment will be made after pressing the Proceed button. Example wording: “Press Proceed to make payment“. 10 CX Considerations 10As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 9. 11 CEG Checklist Requirements 11PISP Confirmation: As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 10. 12 CX Considerations 12PISPs must provide a message to PSUs to inform that modification or cancelling of the standing order must be done at their ASPSP. 13 CEG Checklist Requirements 13Further Payment Status Update: As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 12. Select to scroll left Select to scroll right
CEG Checklist Requirements & CX Considerations CEG Checklist Reference 1 Minimum Set of Parameters PISPs must either allow PSUs to specify the below minimum set of parameters or pre-populate them for the PSUs: • Creditor Account Name. • Creditor Account Identification (e.g. account number and sort code or roll number for UK implementations). • Reference of the payment (as per best practice). • Any supplementary information required which the ASPSP has published as required and is specific to that ASPSP. 22 2 Standing Order Schedule(s) PISPs must either allow PSUs to select at least one of following options or pre-populate them for the PSUs: The First payment date, payment Amount and Currency (GBP for UK implementations). The Recurring payment date, payment Amount and Currency (only if different from the first payment amount and date). If standing order is not open ended: • Either the Final payment Date (only if different from the Recurring payment date), payment Amount and Currency (GBP for UK implementations). • Or the Number of payments to be made by the standing order. The Frequency of the payments (for available options on standing order frequency, please refer to Appendix section PIS parameters and considerations. 21 3 PSU payment Account Selection: As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 2. 24 4 PSU Consent to PISP PISPs must request for the PSUs’ consent to the payment in a clear and specific manner. PISPs must display the following information in the consent screen: The Standing Order Schedule parameters including first payment, recurring payment, final payment and frequency as selected in item 3. Payee Account Name. Payment Reference and any supplementary info, if it has been entered by PSUs or pre-populated by PISPs in item 1. PSU payment Account Identification and/or the selected ASPSP (based on item 2 options). Note 1: If the PSU payment Account identification is selected in item 2, PISPs should mask the PSU payment Account details on the consent screen. Otherwise, if the PSU payment Account identification has been input by PSUs in item 2, PISPs should not mask these details to allow PSUs to check and verify correctness. Note 2: IfPSU payment Account identification is provided by PSUs in item 2, PISPs could use this to identify and display the ASPSP without having to ask PSUs. For Payee Account Identification details (e.g. account number and sort code or additionally roll number or full IBAN): If this has been provided by PSUs in item 1, then PISPs must also display this in the consent screen to allow PSUs to check and verify correctness. If this has been pre-populated by PISPs (e.g. in a eCommerce payment scenario) PISPs could choose whether to display this information or not. 8 5 As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 4. 6 As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 5 . 7 As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 8. 19 1 8 ASPSPs must display the payment details, schedule andany supplementary information about difference in actual execution day for each transaction. 20 28 8a ASPSPs must offer the same minimum and maximum payment limits for payment types, as they offer in their direct online channels. 28f 9 ASPSPs should inform PSUs about their “point of no return” for making the payment and that their payment will be made after pressing the Proceed button. Example wording: “Press Proceed to make payment“. 10 As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 9. 11 PISP Confirmation: As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 10. 25 26 121 PISPs must provide a message to PSUs to inform that modification or cancelling of the standing order must be done at their ASPSP. 13 Further Payment Status Update: As per Single Domestic Payments – a/c selection @ PISP, item 12. 27
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