
Card-Specific Permissions & Data Clusters for AIS Journeys

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Published 4 years ago 25 Jun 2020
If an AISP is asking for data access solely to a card account they should…

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If an AISP is asking for data access solely to a card account they should adjust the language they use to describe the ASPSP (e.g. “card provider” rather than “bank”) and certain data clusters and permissions. Card specific language is shown in blue.

Data Cluster Language API End Points Permissions Permissions Language Information available
Your Card Details Accounts Accounts Basic Any other name by which you refer to this account Currency of the account, Nickname of account (e.g. ‘Jakes Household account’).
Accounts Detail Your account name, number and sort-code Account Name, Sort Code, Account Number, IBAN, Roll Number (used for Building Society) (plus all data provided in Accounts Basic).
Balances Balances Your account balance Amount, Currency, Credit/Debit, Type of Balance, Date/Time.
All where PAN is available PAN Your long card number PAN masked or unmasked depending on how ASPSP displays online currently.
Your Regular Payments Beneficiaries Beneficiaries Basic Payee agreements you have set up List of Beneficiaries.
Beneficiaries Detail Details of Payee agreements you have set up Details of Beneficiaries account information (Name, Sort Code, Account) (plus all data provided in Beneficiaries Basic).
Standing Orders Standing Order Basic Your Standing Orders SO Info, Frequency, Creditor Reference Info, First/Next/Final Payment info.
Standing Order Detail Details of your Standing Orders Details of Creditor Account Information (Name, Sort Code, Account) (plus all data provided in Standing Order Basic).
Direct Debits Direct Debits Your Direct Debits Mandate info, Status, Name, Previous payment information.
Scheduled Payments Scheduled Payments Basic Recurring and future dated payments from your card account Scheduled dates, amount, reference. Does not include information about the beneficiary.
Scheduled Payments Detail Details of recurring and future dated payments from your card account Scheduled dates, amount, reference. Includes information about the beneficiary.
Your Card Transactions Transactions Transactions Basic Credits Your incoming transactions Transaction Information on payments made into the customer’s account (Reference, Amount, Status, Booking Data Info, Value Date info, Transaction Code). Does not include information about the entity that made the payment.
Transactions Basic Debits Your outgoing transactions Same as above, but for debits.
Transactions Detail Credits Details of your incoming transactions Transaction Information on payments made into the customer’s account (Reference, Amount, Status, Booking Data Info, Value Date info, Transaction Code). Includes information about the entity that made the payment.
Transactions Detailed Debits Details of your outgoing transactions Same as above but for debits.
Transactions Basic Your transactions Transaction Information on payments for both credits in and debits out of the customer’s account (Reference, Amount, Status, Booking Data Info, Value Date info, Transaction Code). Does not include information about the payer/payee.
Transactions Detail Details of your transactions Transaction Information on payments made both credits in and debits out of the customer’s account (Reference, Amount, Status, Booking Data Info, Value Date info, Transaction Code). Includes information about the payer/payee.
Your Statements Statements Statements Basic Information contained in your statement All statement information excluding specific amounts related to various balance types, payments due etc.
Statements Detail Details of information contained in your statement All statement information including specific amounts related to various balance types, payments due etc.
Your Card Features and Benefits Offers Offers Offers available on your card account Balance transfer, promotional rates, limit increases, start & end dates.
Contact and party details Party PartyPSU The name of the account and your full legal name. The name of the account. Full Legal Name, Address, telephone numbers and email address of the PSU as held by the bank/card issuer and party type (sole/joint etc.).
Optionally this can also include your address, telephone numbers and email addresses as held by the bank/card issuer
Account specific: Party The name of the account and the full legal name(s) of all parties. The name of the account. Full Legal Name(s), Account Role(s), Beneficial Ownership, Legal Structure, Address or addresses, telephone numbers and email address as held by the bank/card issuer and party type (sole/joint etc.).
Parties Optionally this can also include their address or addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses as held by the bank/card issuer

Note:  With respect to the clusters and permissions language, ASPSPs should consider whether the language that is displayed to the PSUis appropriate when the information being accessed relates to more than one party. For example, “Your data” may need to be adapted to just “data” to indicate to the PSU that the account information being displayed may not be solely specific to them as is the case of joint accounts, when the account information of both parties is requested.