
Read/Write API Specification – Standard Error Codes

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Published 6 years ago 01 Mar 2019

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HTTP Status CategoryCodeDescription
400UK.OBIE.Field.ExpectedFor the scenario, when a field-value is not provided in the payload, that is expected in combination with preceding field-value pairs.
The corresponding path must be populated with the path of the unexpected field.
e.g. ExchangeRate must be specified with Agreed RateType. ExchangeRate should be specified in the path element. InstructionPriority must be specified with Agreed RateType. InstructionPriority should be specified in the path element.
400UK.OBIE.Field.InvalidAn invalid value is supplied in one of the fields. Reference of the invalid field should be provided in the path field, and url field may have the link to a website explaining the valid behaviour. The error message should describe the problem in detail.
400UK.OBIE.Field.InvalidDateAn invalid date is supplied, e.g., When a future date is expected, a date in past or current date is supplied. The message can specify the actual problem with the date. The reference of the invalid field should be provided in the path field, and URL field may have the link to a website explaining the valid behaviour.
400UK.OBIE.Field.MissingA mandatory field, required for the API, is missing from the payload. This error code can be used, if it is not already captured under the validation for UK.OBIE.Resource.InvalidFormat.
Reference of the missing field should be provided in the path field, and URL field may have the link to a website explaining the valid behaviour.
400UK.OBIE.Field.UnexpectedFor the scenario, when a field-value is provided in the payload, that is not expected in combination with preceding field-value pairs. E.g.  ContractIdentification must not be specified with [Actual/Indicative] RateType. ContractIdentification should be specified in the path element ExchangeRate must not be specified with [Actual/Indicative] RateType. ExchangeRate should be specified in the path element. InstructionPriority must not be specified with LocalInstrument. InstructionPriority should be specified in the path element.
400UK.OBIE.Header.InvalidAn invalid value is supplied in the HTTP header. HTTP Header should be specified in the path element.
400UK.OBIE.Header.MissingA required HTTP header has not been provided. HTTP Header should be specified in the path element.
400UK.OBIE.Resource.ConsentMismatch{payment-order-consent} and {payment-order} resource mismatch. For example, if an element in the resource’s Initiation or Risk section does not match the consent section. 
The path element should be populated with the field of the resource that does not match the consent.
400UK.OBIE.Resource.InvalidConsentStatusThe resource’s associated consent is not in a status that would allow the resource to be created. E.g., if a consent resource had a status of AwaitingAuthorisation or Rejected, a resource could not be created against this consent.
The path element should be populated with the field in the consent resource that is invalid.
400UK.OBIE.Resource.InvalidFormatWhen the Payload schema does not match to the endpoint, e.g., /domestic-payments endpoint is called with a JSON Payload, which cannot be parsed into a class OBWriteDomestic1
400UK.OBIE.Resource.NotFoundReturned when a resource with the specified id does not exist (and hence could not be operated upon). 
400UK.OBIE.Rules.AfterCutOffDateTime{payment-order} consent / resource received after CutOffDateTime
400UK.OBIE.Signature.InvalidThe signature header x-jws-signature was parsed and has a valid JOSE header that complies with the specification. However, the signature itself could not be verified.
400UK.OBIE.Signature.InvalidClaimThe JOSE header in the x-jws-signature has one or more claims with an invalid value. (e.g. a kid that does not resolve to a valid certificate). The name of the missing claim should be specified in the path field of the error response.
400UK.OBIE.Signature.MissingClaimThe JOSE header in the x-jws-signature has one or more mandatory claim(s) that are not specified. The name of the missing claim(s) should be specified in the path field of the error response.
400UK.OBIE.Signature.MalformedThe x-jws-signature in the request header was malformed and could not be parsed as a valid JWS.
400UK.OBIE.Signature.MissingThe API request expected an x-jws-signature in the header, but it was missing.
400UK.OBIE.Signature.UnexpectedThe API request was not expecting to receive an x-jws-signature in the header, but the TPP made a request that included an x-jws-signature.
400UK.OBIE.Unsupported.AccountIdentifierThe account identifier is unsupported for the given scheme.
The path element should be populated with the path of the AccountIdentifier.
400UK.OBIE.Unsupported.AccountSecondaryIdentifierThe account secondary identifier is unsupported for the given scheme. 
The path element should be populated with the path of the AccountSecondaryIdentifier.
400UK.OBIE.Unsupported.CurrencyThe currency is not supported. Use UK.OBIE.Field.Invalid for invalid Currency.
The path element should be populated with the path of the Currency.
The URL should be populated with a link to ASPSP documentation listing out the supported currencies.
400UK.OBIE.Unsupported.FrequencyFrequency is not supported.
The path element should be populated with the path of the Frequency.
The URL should be populated with a link to ASPSP documentation listing out the supported frequencies.
400UK.OBIE.Unsupported.LocalInstrumentLocal Instrument is not supported by the ASPSP. 
The path element should be populated with the path of the LocalInstrument.
The URL should be populated with a link to ASPSP documentation listing out the supported local instruments.
400UK.OBIE.Unsupported.SchemeIdentification scheme is not supported. 
The path element should be populated with the path of the scheme.
The URL should be populated with a link to ASPSP documentation listing out the supported schemes.
5xxUK.OBIE.UnexpectedErrorAn error code that can be used, when an unexpected error occurs.
The ASPSP must populated the message with a meaningful error description, without revealing sensitive information.