Customer Experience Guidelines

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Published 5 years ago 23 Sep 2019

The Customer Experience Guidelines (“CEG”) have been designed to facilitate widespread use of Open Banking-enabled products and services in a simple and secure manner. They bring together regulatory requirements and customer insight to create the Open Banking Standard for both TPPs and ASPSPs.

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Customers will only use Open Banking products and services if their experience matches or betters their expectations, and information is presented in an intuitive manner that allows them to make informed decisions. It is therefore important that the interplay between the TPP and the ASPSP is as seamless as is possible while providing customer control in a secure environment. In particular it is essential that customers are clearly informed about the consent they are providing and the service they are receiving.

These Guidelines address the “Customer Journey”, that is, the process that the customer follows from within a TPP’s online app or browser, through to authentication within the ASPSP domain, and completion in the TPP domain.

The intended audience for these Guidelines is Open Banking Participants (ASPSPs, AISPs, PISPs and CBPIIs) and competent authorities with regulatory oversight of any Participant that adopts the Open Banking Standard. They should also be of use for Participants who build their own dedicated interface or adopt any other market initiative standard.

The contents of the CEG and CEG Checklist do not constitute legal advice. While the CEG and CEG Checklist have been drafted with regard to relevant regulatory provisions and best practice, they are not a complete list of the regulatory or legal obligations that apply to Participants. Although intended to be consistent with regulations and laws in the event of any conflict with such regulations and laws, those regulations and laws will take priority. Participants are responsible for their own compliance with all regulations and laws that apply to them, including without limitation, PSRs, PSD2, GDPR, consumer protection laws and anti-money laundering regulations.

Get Started with the Customer Experience Guidelines

About these guidelines

  The Customer Experience Guidelines form part of the Open Banking Standard Implementation Requirements (SIRs) The Customer Experience Guidelines and Checklist form part of the Standard Implementation Requirements, and set out the customer experience required to deliver a successful Open Banking ecosystem, alongside technical, performance, non-functional requirements and dispute resolution practices. The CEG Checklist has…

This version was published 5 Years & 5 Months ago 23 Sep 2019

About these guidelines

  The Customer Experience Guidelines form part of the Open Banking Standard Implementation Requirements (SIRs) The Customer Experience Guidelines and Checklist form part of the Standard Implementation Requirements, and set out the customer experience required to deliver a successful Open Banking ecosystem, alongside technical, performance, non-functional requirements and dispute resolution practices. The CEG Checklist has…

This version was published 5 Years & 5 Months ago 23 Sep 2019

Customer Journey

  The Customer Experience Guidelines form part of the Open Banking Standard Implementation Requirements (SIRs) The Customer Experience Guidelines and Checklist form part of the Standard Implementation Requirements, and set out the customer experience required to deliver a successful Open Banking ecosystem, alongside technical, performance, non-functional requirements and dispute resolution practices. The CEG Checklist has…

This version was published 5 Years & 5 Months ago 23 Sep 2019

Design and experience principles

The OBIE has employed a number of design and experience principles to create the CEG. This section lays out the principles of informed decision making, providing customers with well designed experiences (using the principles of control, speed, transparency, security and trust) as well as how to protect vulnerable customers.

This version was published 5 Years & 5 Months ago 23 Sep 2019


Disclaimer: The contents of the Customer Experience Guidelines (“CEGs”) and Customer Experience Guidelines Checklist (“CEG Checklist”) do not constitute legal advice. While the CEG and CEG Checklist have been drafted with regard to relevant regulatory provisions and best practice, they are not a complete list of the regulatory or legal obligations that apply to Participants. Although intended to be consistent with regulations and laws, in the event of any conflict with such regulations and laws, those regulations and laws will take priority. Participants are responsible for their own compliance with all regulations and laws that apply to them, including without limitation, PSRs, PSD2, GDPR, consumer protection laws and anti-money laundering regulations.