

This version is:

This is the latest version Published 3 months ago 28 Jun 2024

Supporting TPPs with the ability to test their products and services (at initial launch and through subsequent changes) by providing key tools and infrastructure to ensure that their products have been sufficiently tested prior to go-live.

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Open Banking Ltd (OBL) would like to ensure all Participants looking to operate within the Open Banking Ecosystems do so in a supported manner. This includes supporting TPPs with the ability to test their products and services (both at initial launch and also through subsequent changes) by providing a number of key tools and infrastructure to ensure that their products have been sufficiently tested prior to go-live. This helps continue to promote the culture of openness that was developed during the initial Managed Roll-Out period from January to March 2018.

This is known as Launch Support.

The purpose of this Section is to provide a brief overview of the Testing approach and act as a ‘hub’ from which participants can access relevant support documentation.


The Approach

  • The recommended approach is based on Open Banking Ltd (OBL)’s published Launch Support testing document. It is designed to ensure that your TPP service operates effectively within the Open Banking Ecosystem, supporting your journey from participating in the ‘test ecosystem’ to operating in the ‘production ecosystem’.

    We suggest participation in Open Banking Ltd (OBL) test phases, as appropriate:

    • Integration testing – Testing against Model Bank APIs in the Directory Sandbox
    • Ecosystem testing* – Sandbox only.
    • First Occurrence Validation (FOV) – via coordination of voluntary buddy relationships with ASPSPs.

    These phases are also covered further in the Launch Support document.  Testing requirements vary – therefore TPPs are encouraged to work with their designated Open Banking Ltd (OBL) representative to agree on the most effective approach based on adapting the general approach described here.

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Participant Journey

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Service Desk

The Service Desk supports participants through enrolment and provides level 1 support for participant tickets. If you have a query and wish to contact the Service Desk to ask how to maintain your entity in the Directory, it is worth consulting the following guide first which is likely to contain the answer:

Guide to Viewing & Updating your Entity

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Participant On-Boarding

The Open Banking Ltd (OBL) Participant On-Boarding Team provides technical support relating to issues raised, Directory integration, integration/dynamic registration with Model Banks, running of Conformance Tool, etc. Questions can be raised by creating a Jira ticket, the guide for which is below.

Jira Service Desk

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Launch Support is an enduring activity designed to provide support to Participants during their testing journey and on to go-live, where applicable. During Launch Support, Open Banking Ltd (OBL) will assist in the coordination of TPP / ASPSP voluntary buddying.  Participants will also get access to an assigned central test team representative to assist and guide them through the appropriate testing process. They will also be invited to Testing Working Groups (TWG) where current challenges and hot topics are discussed as a community.  A link to the TWG Confluence page for all participants is below.


The same approach can apply to upgrades and enhancements of existing services in Production. This enables communication across the ecosystem regarding the impact of new services.


Test Phase Engagement

Open Banking Ltd (OBL) will maintain an open inclusive dialogue with all participants. Open Banking Ltd (OBL) will actively encourage all participants to engage in testing for the benefit of the individual participants in the ecosystem as a whole. Depending on the ecosystem maturity of the participants, Open Banking Ltd (OBL) will guide participants to the appropriate testing ‘entry point’ for them and support them through testing.


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Ecosystem communications

The Open Banking ecosystem consists of a large number of separate organisations collaborating to provide a unified experience to the customer (PSU). To facilitate this the Central Test team will encourage information sharing and coordination while ensuring these principles are maintained:

Preparation for service launch

Participant Roles and Responsibilities

Participant can enter the Open Banking Ecosystem with a variety of roles. This section is a brief guide for TPP Participants to the appropriate style of testing required by their role, as outlined in the Launch Support document (see also the table of URLs at the end of this Section).  The actual approach applicable to the participant’s circumstances shall be agreed with your Open Banking Ltd (OBL) representative.

Ecosystem Roles

TPPs within the OBL Ecosystem operate in one or more roles on the basis of their permissions granted by the FCA/ NCA:

The roles granted by the NCA are:

UK entities should use the FCA website for applications.

To register with the FCA, use their Connect system.

In addition to the three types of permissions granted by the FCA/NCA, there is also a class of participant who does not provide information directly to customers – Technical Service Providers (TSP) provide technical support to ASPSP, AISP, PISP and CBPII participants.  This can include providing an API gateway which consolidates interfaces from all ASPSPs through to the provision of customer-facing systems for use by participants.

All links correct at time of publishing. Open Banking Ltd (OBL) takes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information hosted by third parties.

Software Statement Assertions and Consent Dashboards

The various roles, and their interaction with other Participants, can impact on:

These topics continue to evolve, therefore you must check with either your Central Testing team contact or by raising a Jira ticket contact the Open Banking Ltd (OBL) Standards team.

Further information can be found in the below links:

eIDAS Certificate Management

Following the conclusion of the FCA adjustment period on 14 March 2020, TPPs must identify themselves to ASPSPs using an eIDAS certificate. ASPSPs must be able to accept an eIDAS certificate from the TPP directly. Additionally, TPPs may use an alternative identification certificate issued by Open Banking Ltd (OBL), provided that those TPPs have registered their eIDAS certificate with Open Banking Ltd (OBL) and Open Banking Ltd (OBL) continues to perform checks of the status of the eIDAS certificate.

When a TPP technically onboards with an ASPSP, they will usually be asked to share some basic contact details to facilitate future communications. TPPs are encouraged to include this information to make ensure that they can be easily contacted and be kept informed of any updates that may be important.

The four activities associated with obtaining and utilising an eIDAS certificate are outlined below:

Procuring eIDAS Certificates

Open Banking Ltd (OBL) Software Statements cannot be created without a valid eIDAS certificate uploaded to the Open Banking Directory. It is therefore essential that acquire one.

A guide to purchasing an eIDAS certificate is available here.

Identification using your eIDAS Certificates:

TPPs can identify themselves to Open Banking by ‘uploading’ their eIDAS certificate to the OB Directory or by registering with Open Banking via an API.

Loading and Associating your eIDAS Certificates

Any eIDAS certificate, for it to be used within open banking, must be uploaded to the Directory. A general guide to this process is available here.

Managing your eIDAS Certificates

eIDAS certificates expire after a period of time, usually 2 years. It is essential that a replacement certificate is acquired and uploaded to the Open Banking Directory before the existing certificate expires. Not having a valid certificate in place could result in the inability to create new Open Banking Certificates and loss of service.


Useful Links

OB Dev ZoneOB Developer Zone
Service DeskServiceDesk@openbanking.org.uk
JIRA Service Desk TicketsJIRA Service Desk – How To Guide
Open Banking Service Desk Portal
Risk & Issue Dashboard
OBL Open DataOpen Data DashboardOpen Data Dashboard
OBL DirectoryEnrolling & Maintaining an EntityHow to Guide – Enrolling onto Open Banking
How to Guide – Viewing and Requesting Updates
How to Guide – Managing your Access to the Open Banking Directory
Using the DirectoryTechnical Directory Guidelines
Directory ServicesTechnical Directory Services
Delivery RoadmapTechnical Directory – Scheduled Deliverables
ASPSP Transparency CalendarASPSP Transparency Calendar
ASPSP Implementation GuideASPSP Implementation Guides
TestingTest FacilitiesTest Facilities Support Guide page
Stress TestingStress Testing page
Conformance & CertificationConformance and Certification
Conformance Certification Service
Functional ConformanceFunctional Conformance
Security ConformanceOpenID Certification
OpenID Certification Instructions
eIDASTPP onboarding with eIDAS
Obtaining an eIDAS certificate
PISPPISP Improvement