Customer Experience Guidelines

Change Log v3.1.11

This version is:

Published 2 years ago 04 Apr 2022

A summary of changes from V3.1.10 to V3.1.11

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Customer Experience Guidelines Changes: V3.1.10 to V3.1.11 

ID/SectionSub section/LocationChangeReason for Change
PropositionsGet Started >> Propositions submenuMoved Propositions from Developer zone to Standards site

including P21b
Internal review
1Naming of the Consent and Access Dashboards Figure 1 updated

Following extensive research and discussions with the ecosystem, the following names for Dashboards have been agreed upon:

Open banking connections or Connections

Where the entity is acting solely as a TPP or an ASPSP, but not as both, the preferred term to describe the Dashboard is ‘Open Banking Connections’. This is a term that avoids jargon and should improve familiarity with the concept of open banking and associated services. It was understood that the term “connections” is considered a useful catch-all term that is not off-putting to real customers and provides an accurate description of the link between TPPs and ASPSPs that can be managed through Consent and Access Dashboards.

Note: If your dashboard includes non-open banking connections, it is acceptable to refer to the dashboard as "Connections" or "Connected Services". If you have opted to split your payments and data access dashboards, you can change the naming to differentiate between the data and payments access dashboard, for example, Open Banking connected accounts and Open Banking Payments.
Natwest CR00031714
PIS-VRP Access Dashboard & Revocation
2Table 1 added new checklist #3ASPSPs could make available the VRP Access dashboard alongside other existing payment mandates like Direct Debit & Standing Orders provided it is easy and intuitive for the PSUs to find them in one location. The ASPSP may differentiate the PISP VRP access dashboard as Open Banking Payments.Natwest CR00031714
Payment Initiation Services (PIS)
  • Account Selection at PISP
  • Account Selection at PISP - Supplementary Info
  • BACS and CHAPS
  • Account Selection at ASPSP
  • Scheduled Payments - Future Dated
  • Standing Orders
  • International Payments
  • Bulk / Batch Payments
  • Multi-authorisation Payments
  • VRP Payments with SCA exemption
  • VRP Payments under Sweeping Access
  • VRP Payments with delegated SCA
  • New CEG Checklist requirement added on each journey

    ASPSPs must offer the same minimum and maximum payment limits for payment types, as they offer in their direct online channels.

    New CEG Checklist reference - 28f
    Internal review & EAG discussions
    4Updated CEG Checklist Reference link on all the journeys to v3.1.11 draft
    Understand and download the Checklist
    5Checklist updated
    Refer to 10a, 28f
    6Across all Customer Experience Guidelines pages
    Get Started Propositions
    Authentication Methods
    Authentication Methods
    Customer Experience Checklist
    Introduction Section B
    Design and Experience Principles
    Account Information Consent
    AIS Access Corporate Entities
    Permissions and Data Clusters
    Single Domestic Payments Acc Selection PISP
    Single Domestic Payments Acc Selection ASPSP
    Single Domestic Scheduled Payments
    Standing Orders
    International Payments
    Bulk Batch Payments
    Payment Refunds
    VRP Payments with an SCA Exemption
    VRP Payments under Sweeping Access
    VRP Payments with Delegated SCA
    Consent for Confirmation of Funds
    Confirmation of Funds Y/N Response
    AIS Consent Dashboard Revocation Refresh
    AIS Access Dashboard Revocation
    Revocation of Consent
    CBPII Access Dashboard Revocation
    Access Dashboard Revocation
    PSU Notifications
    Deep Linking for App-to-App Redirection
    Payment Status
    Refund Fulfillment
    Common Terminology
    Replaced "OBIE" references with "OBL"

    or Open Banking Ltd (OBL)

    or Open Banking Standard
    Internal review to change organisation name from Open Banking Implementation Entity(OBIE) to Open Banking Limited (OBL)